Some Ideas For A Future Update.
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:04 pm
I posted this on the Facebook pages, but someone suggested posting it here too:
Here is a quick mock-up I've done to visualize some ideas for a future update.
Minute Markers.
They may not be accurate in my image, so just ignore that. These are really handy and can help with choosing mixing points, particularly with unfamiliar tracks.
Zoom Waveform.
Even if its only to double the size of the waveform, its very handy for mixing visually, for either setting the downbeat or preparing for a drop. It would be very handy if the zoomed in position tracked the play marker.
Beatgraph Visual.
This was very handy on the pacemaker, and was great for picking up inaudible drifting. I tend to mix without headphones on the pacemaker and the app, and because of the lack of tactile feedback from the touchscreen, its difficult to gauge how much your "nudging" the tracks.
It would be great to see the digital toggle button used to allow quick searching through tracks. So when its enabled, we can drag the play marker to where we want on the waveform. And when used with zooming, we can place our downbeats visually and very quick, possibly without even previewing through headphones.
I'd like to see in the setup menu, the ability to choose headphone impedance, like there was on the pacemaker device. I find that the output quality can vary from good to shocking, depending on what your playing through. Particularly when using effects.
Options to choose different effects would be great of course. I was saddened to see Wah and Trans missing!
This may be a little picky, but i'd like a slider in the config menu, to adjust the range of the echo effect, so that it can be set to only affect high, low or all frequencies. There are times when i don't want to echo any low frequencies, in preparation for a drop or an extended mix out.
When snapping loops is used, the limit of 4 is not good enough. It needs to be extended to allow at least and even 16 if possible. Without snapping enabled, we can loop for this length, so why not with snapping enabled?
I'm finding the app very unpredictable when it comes to analyzing tracks and creating the waveform, so tracks will often load with no waveform and no option to sync them. Even after opening and closing several times, the tracks will not be analyzed properly. Also, when browsing for tracks, they appear to not have any time or bpm readout in the browser window. I know its great to have an app that does it all by itself, but if its not able to do it reliably, then perhaps its time to do all analyzing and waveform generation via a PC app, like the original Pacemaker Editor? This would also free up resources on the playbook and help ensure no hiccups and stutters while mixing.
Another much needed addition to the config menu, is the choice of displayed time modes. I prefer to see the time remaining, not the time played.
I have most likely forgotten some ideas, so ill edit the post or add them to the comments when i think of them.
Be sure to post some of your own ideas and suggestions too.
Here is a quick mock-up I've done to visualize some ideas for a future update.
Minute Markers.
They may not be accurate in my image, so just ignore that. These are really handy and can help with choosing mixing points, particularly with unfamiliar tracks.
Zoom Waveform.
Even if its only to double the size of the waveform, its very handy for mixing visually, for either setting the downbeat or preparing for a drop. It would be very handy if the zoomed in position tracked the play marker.
Beatgraph Visual.
This was very handy on the pacemaker, and was great for picking up inaudible drifting. I tend to mix without headphones on the pacemaker and the app, and because of the lack of tactile feedback from the touchscreen, its difficult to gauge how much your "nudging" the tracks.
It would be great to see the digital toggle button used to allow quick searching through tracks. So when its enabled, we can drag the play marker to where we want on the waveform. And when used with zooming, we can place our downbeats visually and very quick, possibly without even previewing through headphones.
I'd like to see in the setup menu, the ability to choose headphone impedance, like there was on the pacemaker device. I find that the output quality can vary from good to shocking, depending on what your playing through. Particularly when using effects.
Options to choose different effects would be great of course. I was saddened to see Wah and Trans missing!
This may be a little picky, but i'd like a slider in the config menu, to adjust the range of the echo effect, so that it can be set to only affect high, low or all frequencies. There are times when i don't want to echo any low frequencies, in preparation for a drop or an extended mix out.
When snapping loops is used, the limit of 4 is not good enough. It needs to be extended to allow at least and even 16 if possible. Without snapping enabled, we can loop for this length, so why not with snapping enabled?
I'm finding the app very unpredictable when it comes to analyzing tracks and creating the waveform, so tracks will often load with no waveform and no option to sync them. Even after opening and closing several times, the tracks will not be analyzed properly. Also, when browsing for tracks, they appear to not have any time or bpm readout in the browser window. I know its great to have an app that does it all by itself, but if its not able to do it reliably, then perhaps its time to do all analyzing and waveform generation via a PC app, like the original Pacemaker Editor? This would also free up resources on the playbook and help ensure no hiccups and stutters while mixing.
Another much needed addition to the config menu, is the choice of displayed time modes. I prefer to see the time remaining, not the time played.
I have most likely forgotten some ideas, so ill edit the post or add them to the comments when i think of them.
Be sure to post some of your own ideas and suggestions too.